Friday Feb 28, 2025

College Test Prep and Grants for homeschoolers with Pat from Bryan College Part 2

Information about College Tests: For USA Residents

TEST PREP: We partner with 36University, an online prep program. When you register using the code 'bryan' you save $3, making the cost of the program only $12 a month! 


CLT TEST: This is a fairly new test that is offered virtually. There is a CLT 8 for 7th and 8th graders which some parents use for standardized testing. The CLT10 is offered 3 times a year and comes with scholarship potential. This is a good test to have your students take beginning in the 9th grade for several reasons: 1) The student gains experience taking tests and 2) There's scholarship potential for 10th graders. The CLT offers fee waivers and ADA accommodations as needed. Many Christian colleges accept the CLT. Register using the code Bryan35 for 35% off any CLT.


PSAT: The PSAT score that matters, scholarship-wise, is the score earned by 11th grade students. It is a fairly affordable test and students in 9th and 10th grade can take this test as practice as long as you find a public or private school that will allow your students to test at their location. If your student tests well, you do not want to miss having them take the PSAT in the 11th grade because it determines National Merit Scholarships. Even a semi-finalist receives full tuition at Bryan College! 


ACT and SAT: Both of these tests are given multiple times a year. Both offer fee waivers and accommodations, but it may be challenging to get that worked out. The tests are changing. I've heard that the SAT has dropped the writing portion and that they plan to go virtual (eventually). The ACT has a science portion, but the SAT does not. However, the ACT's science portion has little to do with science knowledge, and everything to do with reasoning and analyzing data. I had my children take both the ACT and the SAT (pre-CLT) tests to determine which test they preferred. Colleges accept either one, without preference for one over the other. You must register two months out of the test date not to pay a late fee, so plan ahead. 


The ACT is taking the science portion out of the composite score, making that an optional subject. 


A student who needs ADA accommodations can request accommodations through each test site. 


Was there anything else I was supposed to send? Here are the TN grants: 


Dual Enrollment  The first five classes are tuition free and the state gives you $300 each for the next five classes. Bryan College will also give you $200 for classes 6 - 10.         

TN Promise This grant pays for 2 years of community college and is often accepted as bottom dollar at four year colleges. A student either uses the Promise or the Hope, but not both at the same time. To earn the Promise a senior has to register in the fall of their senior year and then meet the requirements necessary to qualify. Students using the Promise must earn an associates degree first.

HOPE  The Hope is available for 4 years of college and a student earns the Hope by a test score (ACT 21 or SAT 1060) or by completing at least 6 dual enrollment credits at a TN college, earning a 3.0 cumulative GPA. If the student earns additional credits, their cumulative GPA cannot fall below a 3.0 because if it does, they can no longer earn the Hope with their GPA. Many homeschool families find it more beneficial to have their students earn and use the Hope at a 4 year college rather than jump through the hoops required for the Promise. Also, students who begin at a community college and then finish at Bryan College will receive a transfer scholarship based on their GPA, but they will have lost the opportunity to earn Freshmen scholarships which stack and are renewable. For this reason some have discovered that the total cost at a four year college using the Hope, with Freshmen scholarships, may be very close to the cost of attending a community college for free (using the Promise) and then transferring to a four year college.                                                               

GAMS Students who earn a 29 ACT or 1330 SAT and complete either 4 dual enrollment classes in TN with a 3.0 cumulative GPA or pass one CLEP test before graduation will earn this grant and it provides another $500 per semester.                                                               

Ned McWherter   Students with a 32 ACT or 1430 SAT can apply for the Ned McWherter between January 1 and February 15 of their senior year. Recipients are selected based on test scores, GPA, difficulty of classes, and leadership activities.        





Pat Wesolowski

Homeschool Counselor| Bryan College

423-775-7159 |

850-212-1232   Cell

Bryan College | 721 Bryan Drive | Dayton, TN 37321


"And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."  Philippians 1:9-11 (ESV)


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